
Push new item - $push

The $push operator is used to append a new item to an array. To push a new item create an UpdateDefinition<T> by defining the array field and the new item to push.

    .Push(doc => doc.<array-field>, <array-item>);

The sample pushes a new VisitedCountry in the VisitedCountries array of a Traveler document.

var collection = database

var firstTraveler = Builders<Traveler>.Filter.Empty;

// create a visited country item
var visitedCountry = RandomData
visitedCountry.Name = "South Korea";
visitedCountry.TimesVisited = 5;
visitedCountry.LastDateVisited = DateTime.UtcNow.AddYears(5);

// create the update definition
var pushCountryDefinition = Builders<Traveler>
    .Update.Push(t => t.VisitedCountries, visitedCountry);
var addNewVisitedCountryResult = await collection
    .UpdateOneAsync(firstTraveler, pushCountryDefinition);

Push multiple items

To push multiple items in a array field use the UpdateDefinitionBuilder<T>.PushEach method. The method creates a $push => $each operation and pushes all array items to the array field.

     .PushEach(t => t.<array-field>, 

The sample adds 10 new VisitedCountry items in the VisitedCountries array field.

var collection = database

var firstTraveler = Builders<Traveler>.Filter.Empty;

var newVisitedCountries = RandomData.GenerateVisitedCountries(10);

var pushCountriesDefinition = Builders<Traveler>.Update
    .PushEach(t => t.VisitedCountries, newVisitedCountries);

var addNewVisitedCountriesResult = await collection
    .UpdateOneAsync(firstTraveler, pushCountriesDefinition);

Push items to a queue

PushEach method accepts an optional parameter slice which when set properly can provide a queue functionality. Assume there's a SocialAccount document containing an array of notifications but you wish to always contain the last 2 inserted.

  "_id": "5ea5801b0932798e2121ff6d",
  "username": "Dimitri.Jaskolski",
  "relationShips": {
    "friends": [
    "blocked": [
  "lastNotifications": [
      "text": "Fuga soluta dolores nulla facilis.",
      "link": "/project"

The sample tries to add 4 new notifications in the lastNotifications array field using a $slice:-2 operation. The resulting document contains only the last 2 notifications added.

var newNotifications = new List<Notification>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    newNotifications.Add(new Notification()
        Link = $"link-{i}",
        Text = $"text-{i}"

var pushNotificationsDefinition = Builders<SocialAccount>.Update
    .PushEach(a => a.LastNotifications, newNotifications, 
    slice:-2); // $slice:-2

var pushNotificationsResult = await socialNetworkCollection
    .Filter.Eq(a => a.Id, firstAccount.Id), pushNotificationsDefinition);

firstAccount = await socialNetworkCollection

Pull items - $pull

To remove items that match a specified condition use the Builders.Update.PullFilter method.

  .PullFilter(doc => doc.<array-field>,
                item => condition(item));

The sample removes two string values ("FIFA 20", "NBA 2K17") from the PcGames string array field. The empty filter ensures to remove the items for all documents in the collection.

var storesCollection = database

var storeEmptyFilter = Builders<StoreItem>.Filter.Empty;

// items to be removed
var removePcGames = new List<string> { "FIFA 20", "NBA 2K17" };

// create the definition
var pullPcGamesDefinition = Builders<StoreItem>
    .Update.PullFilter(s => s.PcGames,
                game => removePcGames.Contains(game));
var simplePullResult = await storesCollection

The PcGames array field doesn't have to contain both values. If any of the string arguments passed is contained, it will be pulled out from the array.

Pull items from multiple arrays

To remove items from multiple array fields at the same time use the Builders.Update .Combine method to combine 2 or more update definitions.

    .Combine(UpdateDefinition[] definitions)

The sample removes two string values from the PcGames array field and one from the XboxGames.

var storesCollection = database

var storeEmptyFilter = Builders<StoreItem>.Filter.Empty;

var removePcGames = new List<string> { "FIFA 20", "NBA 2K17" };
var removeXboxGames = new List<string> { "Mortal Kombat" };

// create the 1st pull definition
var pullPcGamesDefinition = Builders<StoreItem>
    .Update.PullFilter(s => s.PcGames,
        game => removePcGames.Contains(game));

// create the 2nd pull definition      
var pullXboxGamesDefinition = Builders<StoreItem>
    .Update.PullFilter(s => s.XboxGames,
        game => removeXboxGames.Contains(game));

// combine the definition
var pullCombined = Builders<StoreItem>.Update
    .Combine(pullPcGamesDefinition, pullXboxGamesDefinition);
var removeUpdateResult = await storesCollection
    .UpdateManyAsync(storeEmptyFilter, pullCombined);

Pull embedded items from array

To remove nested documents from an array field create an UpdateDefinition with the specified condition to be applied on the documents to be removed. Assuming T is the type of the root document which contains an array field having E type of documents, the syntax is the following.

var pullDefinition = 
                .PullFilter(root => root.<array-field>,
                arrayDoc => condition(arrayDoc<field>));

The sample removes VisitedCountry documents from the VisitedCountries array field of Traveler documents based on the VisitedCountry.TimesVisited value.

var travelersCollection = database

// create a filter
var visited8Times = Builders<Traveler>
    .Filter.ElemMatch(t => t.VisitedCountries, 
    country =>  country.TimesVisited == 8);

var pullVisited8TimesDefinition = Builders<Traveler>.Update
    .PullFilter(t => t.VisitedCountries,
        country => country.TimesVisited == 8); // condition

var visited8TimesResult = await travelersCollection
    .UpdateManyAsync(visited8Times, pullVisited8TimesDefinition);

Update matched array document

To update a specific array element without knowing its position in the array, you can use the $ positional operator. The driver can build such a query by translating the array[-1] as a positional operator.

The sample sets the Name value for all matched array VisitedCountry elements having Name = Greece and TimesVisited = 3.

var travelersCollection = database

// create an elemMatch operator
var visitedGreeceExactly3Times = Builders<Traveler>.Filter
    .ElemMatch(t => t.VisitedCountries,
        country => country.Name == "Greece" 
        && country.TimesVisited == 3);

// create the update definition
var updateDefinition = Builders<Traveler>.Update
    .Set(t => t.VisitedCountries[-1].Name, "Hellas");

// this will update only the first matching array element! 
// ($) refers to the first match
var updateHellasResult = await travelersCollection

Normally, based on the $elemMatch operator, the $set operator should have been applied to the root document(s) but the $ position operator causes the update to be applied on the matched document instead

Update multiple elements

To update multiple array elements that match a specified condition, you need to use one or more ArrayFilterDefinition filters as the 3rd argument in the UpdateOne or UpdateMany methods.

Assume that you have a post which contains a list of comments.

        "_id" : ObjectId("5ea5f66430343616602d6bfe"),
        "author" : "chsakell",
        "content" : "hello world",
        "comments" : [
                        "text" : "comment 1",
                        "author" : "author 1",
                        "votes" : 1,
                        "hidden" : false
                        "text" : "comment 2",
                        "author" : "author 2",
                        "votes" : 2,
                        "hidden" : false
                        "text" : "comment 3",
                        "author" : "author 3",
                        "votes" : 3,
                        "hidden" : false
                        "text" : "comment 4",
                        "author" : "author 4",
                        "votes" : 4,
                        "hidden" : false

The sample hides the comments that have votes greater or equal to 3.

var update = Builders<BsonDocument>.Update
    .Set("comments.$[elem].hidden", true);

var updateResult = await bsonPostsCollection.UpdateOneAsync(
    Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter.Eq("_id", post.Id), update,
    new UpdateOptions()
        ArrayFilters = new List<ArrayFilterDefinition<BsonValue>>()
            new BsonDocument("elem.votes", 
            new BsonDocument("$gte", 3))

There update operation has 3 distinct parts:

  1. The filter definition - in the sample it's a specific post matched by its _id but it could be anything

  2. The update definition - the sample defines that the matched elements in the comments array field should set their hidden value to true. This is defined using the $ positional operator and the elem identifier for each matching document

  3. The ArrayFilters which defines how elem array elements are matched, in other words, which are the elements to be updated

Unfortunately, you cannot write this kind of operation using the typed way yet, because it's currently not supported by the driver 😞 . Of course, as soon as a new version that provides this functionality is released, the docs will be updated accordingly

Last updated