Comparison Operators
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Last updated
Comparison operators are probably the most used operators when querying any type of database provider. MongoDB provides a set of operators π οΈ that can cover all type of comparisons you might need for your queries. This section presents samples for the following query operators:
Matches when
A field's value is equal to a specified value
Not Equal
A field's value is not equal to a specified value
Greater Than
A field's value is greater than a specified value
Greater Than or Equal
A field's value is greater than or equal to a specified value
Less Than
A field's value is less than a specified value
Less Than or Equal
A field's value is less than or equal to a specified value
A field's value is contained among specified values
Not In
A field's value is not contained among specified values
The equal operator is used to match documents having a field value equal to a specific value. You can use it for both top level and embedded documents.
Builders<T>.Filter.Eq(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample uses an equal operator to find all documents that have the profession field (top level field) equal to "Pilot".
var collection = database
// Case sensitive!
var equalPilotsFilter = Builders<User>.Filter
.Eq(u => u.Profession, "Pilot");
var pilots = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
// Case sensitive matters!
var bsonEqualPilotsFilter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.Eq("profession", "Pilot");
var bsonPilots = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({profession: { $eq: "Pilot"}})
// or..
db.users.find({profession: "Pilot"})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b97"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Gilbert",
"lastName" : "Beer",
"userName" : "Gilbert43",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1950-06-07T20:53:27.758+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "3952 Felicita Garden",
"suite" : "Suite 048",
"city" : "North Pasqualefort",
"state" : "Kansas",
"zipCode" : "56191",
"geo" : {
"lat" : -0.8177,
"lng" : -154.6886
"phone" : "(973) 473-1826 x2746",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Quigley, Mitchell and McGlynn",
"catchPhrase" : "Multi-layered holistic moratorium",
"bs" : "enable front-end markets"
"salary" : 3028,
"monthlyExpenses" : 3080,
"favoriteSports" : [
"American Football",
"Water Polo",
"Beach Volleyball",
"Ice Hockey",
"Motor Sport",
"Formula 1"
"profession" : "Pilot" // matched here
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
When you want to match all document that certain field(s) values are not equal to a specific value then you use the Not Equal
Builders<T>.Filter.Ne(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample uses a not equal operator to match all documents that their profession field is other than "Doctor".
var collection = database
var notEqualDoctorsFilter = Builders<User>.Filter
.Ne(u => u.Profession, "Doctor");
var notDoctors = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonNotEqualDoctorsFilter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.Ne("profession", "Doctor");
var bsonNotDoctors = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({profession: { $ne: "Doctor"}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b95"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Ronnie",
"lastName" : "Weissnat",
"userName" : "Ronnie.Weissnat",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1981-03-23T18:39:37.569+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "48091 Hazle Trafficway",
"suite" : "Suite 355",
"city" : "South Fayeburgh",
"state" : "New Hampshire",
"zipCode" : "77588",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 19.3213,
"lng" : 19.1313
"phone" : "719-576-6815 x76397",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Davis Inc",
"catchPhrase" : "Mandatory maximized attitude",
"bs" : "grow clicks-and-mortar eyeballs"
"salary" : 2578,
"monthlyExpenses" : 2986,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Ice Hockey",
"American Football",
"Beach Volleyball",
"profession" : "Lawyer" // matched here
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The greater than operator is used to find all documents that the field value is greater than a specific value.
Builders<T>.Filter.Gt(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample finds all user documents having their salary field greater than 3500.
var collection = database.GetCollection<User>(Constants.UsersCollection);
var filterGreaterThan = Builders<User>.Filter
.Gt(u => u.Salary, 3500);
var greaterThan3500 = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonFilterGreaterThan = Builders<BsonDocument>
.Filter.Gt("salary", 3500);
var bsonGreaterThan3500 = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({salary: { $gt: 3500}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b98"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Spencer",
"lastName" : "Swift",
"userName" : "Spencer.Swift",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1955-01-08T04:19:35.543+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "9336 Walker Crest",
"suite" : "Suite 144",
"city" : "South Tate",
"state" : "South Carolina",
"zipCode" : "46603",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 39.9979,
"lng" : -117.9544
"phone" : "1-377-659-2465 x7862",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Wisoky, Lynch and Torphy",
"catchPhrase" : "Diverse dedicated customer loyalty",
"bs" : "scale sexy technologies"
"salary" : 4325, // matched here
"monthlyExpenses" : 3023,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Table Tennis",
"Moto GP",
"Motor Sport",
"Ice Hockey",
"American Football",
"Water Polo",
"Formula 1",
"profession" : "Pilot"
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The greater than or equal operator is used to find all documents that the field value is greater than or equal a specific value.
Builders<T>.Filter.Gte(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample finds all user documents having their salary field greater than or equal to 4500.
var collection = database
// create a greater than or equal filter on salary
var filterGreaterOrEqualThan = Builders<User>.Filter
.Gte(u => u.Salary, 4500);
var greaterOrEqualThan4500 = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonFilterGreaterOrEqualThan = Builders<BsonDocument>
.Filter.Gte("salary", 4500);
var bsonGreaterOrEqualThan4500 = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({salary: { $gte: 4500}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b9d"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Phil",
"lastName" : "Dooley",
"userName" : "Phil_Dooley78",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1973-06-12T09:59:35.607+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "659 Amely Overpass",
"suite" : "Apt. 122",
"city" : "South Leopoldmouth",
"state" : "California",
"zipCode" : "26394-8391",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 36.5683,
"lng" : -94.7289
"phone" : "(683) 482-7837 x693",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "O'Conner LLC",
"catchPhrase" : "Integrated bottom-line internet solution",
"bs" : "deploy compelling supply-chains"
"salary" : 4500, // matched document
"monthlyExpenses" : 6018,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Table Tennis",
"Moto GP",
"Ice Hockey",
"American Football",
"profession" : "Marketing Manager"
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The less than operator is used to find all documents that the field value is less than a specific value.
Builders<T>.Filter.Lt(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample finds all user documents having their salary field less than 2500.
var collection = database
var filterLessThan = Builders<User>.Filter
.Lt(u => u.Salary, 2500);
var lessThan2500 = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonFilterLessThan = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.Lt("salary", 2500);
var bsonLessThan2500 = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({salary: { $lt: 2500}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b96"),
"gender" : 1,
"firstName" : "Eloise",
"lastName" : "Hermann",
"userName" : "Eloise_Hermann59",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1958-10-18T03:06:14.611+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "721 Kadin Branch",
"suite" : "Apt. 587",
"city" : "Lake Koby",
"state" : "West Virginia",
"zipCode" : "61497-7657",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 86.285,
"lng" : 146.4607
"phone" : "720.248.1068 x9001",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Schowalter - Kulas",
"catchPhrase" : "User-friendly holistic open architecture",
"bs" : "mesh impactful supply-chains"
"salary" : 1997, // matched here
"monthlyExpenses" : 5139,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Ice Hockey",
"Moto GP",
"Motor Sport"
"profession" : "Physical Therapist"
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The less than or equal operator is used to find all documents that the field value is less than or equal to a specific value.
Builders<T>.Filter.Lte(doc => doc.<field>, <value>)
The sample finds all user documents having their salary field less than or equal to 1500.
var collection = database
// create a less than or equal filter on salary
var filterLessOrEqualThan = Builders<User>.Filter
.Lte(u => u.Salary, 1500);
var lessThanOrEqual1500 = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonFilterLessOrEqualThan = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.Lte("salary", 1500);
var bsonLessThanOrEqual1500 = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({salary: { $lte: 1500}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67ba6"),
"gender" : 1,
"firstName" : "Katherine",
"lastName" : "Koch",
"userName" : "Katherine_Koch",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1987-08-28T21:46:31.628+03:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "9963 Clovis Loaf",
"suite" : "Apt. 981",
"city" : "East Maynard",
"state" : "Iowa",
"zipCode" : "50598-1128",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 37.3124,
"lng" : -112.172
"phone" : "1-914-575-5000 x961",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Fritsch, Heller and Hansen",
"catchPhrase" : "Balanced zero defect knowledge user",
"bs" : "cultivate proactive markets"
"salary" : 1500, // matched here <= 1500
"monthlyExpenses" : 4140,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Ice Hockey",
"Water Polo",
"Motor Sport",
"profession" : "Model"
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The In operator finds documents having a field value contained in a specified array of values.
Builders<T>.Filter.In(doc => doc.<field>,
The sample finds all user documents where their profession field value is either "Dentist", "Pharmacist", or "Nurse" π₯ . This means that all documents matched will have profession value one of the above.
var collection = database
// create an In operator filter on profession
var medicalProfessionsFilter = Builders<User>.Filter
.In(u => u.Profession, new[] { "Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse" });
var medicalUsers = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonMedicalProfessionsFilter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.In("profession", new[] { "Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse" });
var bsonMedicalUsers = await bsonCollection
db.users.find({profession: { $in: ["Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse"]}})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b9b"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Lloyd",
"lastName" : "Grant",
"userName" : "Lloyd32",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1954-11-29T01:29:24.386+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "03072 Olin Valleys",
"suite" : "Apt. 164",
"city" : "East Dell",
"state" : "Illinois",
"zipCode" : "19276-8871",
"geo" : {
"lat" : -81.0643,
"lng" : 71.2636
"phone" : "353-472-3461",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Boyer Group",
"catchPhrase" : "Upgradable radical archive",
"bs" : "cultivate viral technologies"
"salary" : 2829,
"monthlyExpenses" : 4349,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Formula 1",
"Ice Hockey",
"profession" : "Pharmacist" // matched here
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }
The Not In operator finds documents having a field value not contained in a specified array of values.
Builders<T>.Filter.Nin(doc => doc.<field>,
The sample finds all user documents where their profession field value is different than "Dentist", "Pharmacist", or "Nurse" π₯ . This means that all documents matched will not have profession value one of the above.
var collection = database.GetCollection<User>(Constants.UsersCollection);
// create an Not In operator filter on profession
var nonMedicalProfessionsFilter = Builders<User>.Filter
.Nin(u => u.Profession, new[] { "Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse" });
var nonMedicalUsers = await collection
var bsonCollection = database
var bsonNotMedicalProfessionsFilter = Builders<BsonDocument>.Filter
.Nin("profession", new[] { "Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse" });
var bsonNotMedicalUsers = await bsonCollection
profession: {
$nin: ["Dentist", "Pharmacist", "Nurse"]
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId("5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67b95"),
"gender" : 0,
"firstName" : "Ronnie",
"lastName" : "Weissnat",
"userName" : "Ronnie.Weissnat",
"avatar" : "",
"email" : "",
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate("1981-03-23T18:39:37.569+02:00"),
"address" : {
"street" : "48091 Hazle Trafficway",
"suite" : "Suite 355",
"city" : "South Fayeburgh",
"state" : "New Hampshire",
"zipCode" : "77588",
"geo" : {
"lat" : 19.3213,
"lng" : 19.1313
"phone" : "719-576-6815 x76397",
"website" : "",
"company" : {
"name" : "Davis Inc",
"catchPhrase" : "Mandatory maximized attitude",
"bs" : "grow clicks-and-mortar eyeballs"
"salary" : 2578,
"monthlyExpenses" : 2986,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Ice Hockey",
"American Football",
"Beach Volleyball",
"profession" : "Lawyer" // matched here
public class User
[BsonIgnoreIfDefault] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public Gender Gender { get; set; }
public string FirstName {get; set; }
public string LastName {get; set; }
public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Avatar {get; set; }
public string Email {get; set; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth {get; set; }
public AddressCard Address {get; set; }
public string Phone {get; set; }
public string Website {get; set; }
public CompanyCard Company {get; set; }
public decimal Salary { get; set; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get; set; }
public List<string> FavoriteSports { get; set; }
public string Profession { get; set; }