Logical operators allow you to match documents based on the boolean result β
β coming from a set of expressions. The logical expressions are evaluated for each document in your filter and if their boolean result matches the expected one (true or false) are included or excluded respectively in the returned result. The section contains samples for the following operators:
Matches documents that fulfill all specified conditions
Matches documents that don't fulfill the specified expression
Matches documents that fulfill at least one of a set of conditions
Matches documents that fail to fulfill both conditions
AND operator - $and
The AND operator performs a logical AND on a set of expressions and match documents that satisfy all of them.
Copy Builders < T >. Filter
.And(FilterDefinition < T > [] filters)
Create as many filter definitions you want and pass them as an argument to the And
The sample uses an And operator to find all documents that have male gender AND have the profession field equal to "Doctor ".
C# Bson Shell User
Copy var collection = database
.GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
// create an equality filter on the gender for 'male' (0)
var maleFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.Eq(u => u . Gender , Gender . Male );
// create an equality filter on profession for 'Doctor'
var doctorFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.Eq(u => u . Profession , "Doctor" );
// compine the filters with AND operator
var maleDoctorsFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.And(maleFilter , doctorFilter);
var maleDoctors = await collection .Find(maleDoctorsFilter).ToListAsync();
Copy var bsonCollection = database
.GetCollection < BsonDocument > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var bsonMaleFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.Eq( "gender" , Gender . Male );
var bsonDoctorFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.Eq( "profession" , "Doctor" );
var bsonMaleDoctorsFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.And(bsonMaleFilter , bsonDoctorFilter);
var bsonMaleDoctors = await bsonCollection
Copy db . users .find ({ $and : [
{ profession : { $eq : "Doctor" } } ,
{gender : { $eq : 0 } }
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId ( "5e91e3ba3c1ba62570a67bdd" ) ,
"gender" : 0 , // matched here
"firstName" : "Ralph" ,
"lastName" : "Emard" ,
"userName" : "Ralph78" ,
"avatar" : "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/xripunov/128.jpg" ,
"email" : "Ralph62@yahoo.com" ,
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate ( "1967-02-18T00:07:22.546+02:00" ) ,
"address" : {
"street" : "3046 Orn Locks" ,
"suite" : "Apt. 046" ,
"city" : "North Nestorview" ,
"state" : "Wyoming" ,
"zipCode" : "03620-0321" ,
"geo" : {
"lat" : 54.3724 ,
"lng" : 127.4216
} ,
"phone" : "422-441-7773" ,
"website" : "neva.name" ,
"company" : {
"name" : "Kilback LLC" ,
"catchPhrase" : "Configurable 6th generation encoding" ,
"bs" : "transition seamless initiatives"
} ,
"salary" : 4787 ,
"monthlyExpenses" : 4546 ,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Darts" ,
"American Football" ,
"Basketball" ,
"Cricket" ,
"Boxing" ,
"Golf" ,
"Beach Volleyball" ,
"Ice Hockey" ,
"Water Polo" ,
"Table Tennis" ,
"Tennis" ,
"Snooker" ,
"Cycling" ,
"MMA" ,
] ,
"profession" : "Doctor" // matched here
Copy public class User
[ BsonId ]
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get ; set ; }
public Gender Gender { get ; set ; }
public string FirstName { get ; set ; }
public string LastName { get ; set ; }
public string UserName { get ; set ; }
public string Avatar { get ; set ; }
public string Email { get ; set ; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get ; set ; }
public AddressCard Address { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ]
public string Website { get ; set ; }
public CompanyCard Company { get ; set ; }
public decimal Salary { get ; set ; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get ; set ; }
public List < string > FavoriteSports { get ; set ; }
public string Profession { get ; set ; }
The Gender property on the User
class is an Enum
type and the driver is smart enough π§ββοΈ π¦ to translate it properly when sending the query to MongoDB
You can combine as many filters as you want to an AND operator. The following sample finds all documents that match the following criteria:
They have gender Female π©ββοΈ
They are either "Teacher", Nurse" or "Dentist" π« π₯
Their salary is between 2000 AND 3200 π°
C# Bson Shell User
Copy var collection = database .GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
// female filter - condition 1
var femaleFilter = Builders < User >. Filter .Eq(u => u . Gender , Gender . Female );
// profession filter - condition 2
var teacherOrNurseFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.In(u => u . Profession , new [] { "Teacher" , "Nurse" , "Dentist" });
// salary filter - condition 3
var salaryFilter = Builders < User >. Filter .And(
Builders < User >. Filter .Gte(u => u . Salary , 2000 ),
Builders < User >. Filter .Lte(u => u . Salary , 3200 ));
// combined filter
var combinedFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.And(femaleFilter , teacherOrNurseFilter , salaryFilter);
var matchedUsers = await collection .Find(combinedFilter).ToListAsync();
Copy var bsonCollection = database
.GetCollection < BsonDocument > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
// female filter - condition 1
var bsonFemaleFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.Eq( "gender" , Gender . Female );
// profession filter - condition 2
var bsonTeacherOrNurseFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.In( "profession" , new [] { "Teacher" , "Nurse" , "Dentist" });
// salary filter - condition 3
var bsonSalaryFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .And(
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Gte( "salary" , 2000 ),
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Lte( "salary" , 3200 )
// combined filter
var bsonCombinedFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.And(bsonFemaleFilter , bsonTeacherOrNurseFilter , bsonSalaryFilter);
var bsonMatchedUsers = await bsonCollection
Copy db . users .find (
{ $and : [
{ "gender" : 1 } ,
{ profession : { $in : [ "Teacher" , "Nurse" , "Dentist" ]}} ,
{ $and : [
{ salary : { $gte : 2000 } } ,
{ salary : { $lte : 3200 }}
] }
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId ( "5e9335512013741d0cb64570" ) ,
"gender" : 1 , // matched here
"firstName" : "Silvia" ,
"lastName" : "Rice" ,
"userName" : "Silvia6" ,
"avatar" : "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/solid_color/128.jpg" ,
"email" : "Silvia_Rice86@hotmail.com" ,
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate ( "1999-05-20T05:09:46.133+03:00" ) ,
"address" : {
"street" : "53815 Flo Creek" ,
"suite" : "Apt. 845" ,
"city" : "Gibsonburgh" ,
"state" : "Vermont" ,
"zipCode" : "90988" ,
"geo" : {
"lat" : - 11.4545 ,
"lng" : 87.8866
} ,
"phone" : "(389) 267-5524" ,
"company" : {
"name" : "Klein, Jacobi and Cormier" ,
"catchPhrase" : "Open-architected methodical alliance" ,
"bs" : "implement dynamic e-markets"
} ,
"salary" : 2935 , // matched here
"monthlyExpenses" : 3826 ,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Darts" ,
"Table Tennis" ,
"Baseball" ,
"Volleyball" ,
"Basketball" ,
"Snooker" ,
"Tennis" ,
"Moto GP" ,
"Motor Sport" ,
"Boxing" ,
"Water Polo" ,
"Handball" ,
"MMA" ,
"Soccer" ,
] ,
"profession" : "Dentist" // matched here
Copy public class User
[ BsonId ]
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get ; set ; }
public Gender Gender { get ; set ; }
public string FirstName { get ; set ; }
public string LastName { get ; set ; }
public string UserName { get ; set ; }
public string Avatar { get ; set ; }
public string Email { get ; set ; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get ; set ; }
public AddressCard Address { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ]
public string Website { get ; set ; }
public CompanyCard Company { get ; set ; }
public decimal Salary { get ; set ; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get ; set ; }
public List < string > FavoriteSports { get ; set ; }
public string Profession { get ; set ; }
The inner filter definitions passed as arguments in the And
method can be as complex as you want to.
NOT operator - $ne
The NOT operator performs a logical NOT on an expression and match documents that don't satisfy the expression.
Copy Builders < T >. Filter
.Not(FilterDefinition < T > filter)
Create a filter definition and pass it as an argument to the Not
method. The boolean expression's result for the matched documents will be false , meaning that they don't satisfy the expression.
The sample uses an Not operator to find all documents having male gender, which can be translated as NOT female .
C# Bson Shell User
Copy var collection = database
.GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
// Negates the internal equality filter
var notMaleFilter = Builders < User >. Filter .Not(
// equality filter on gender for Male
Builders < User >. Filter .Eq(u => u . Gender , Gender . Male )
var femaleUsers = await collection .Find(notMaleFilter).ToListAsync();
Copy var bsonCollection = database
.GetCollection < BsonDocument > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var bsonNotMaleFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Eq( "gender" , Gender . Male )
var bsonFemaleUsers = await bsonCollection
Copy db . users .find ( { gender : { $ne : 0 }})
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId ( "5e9335512013741d0cb64552" ) ,
"gender" : 1 , //matched here
"firstName" : "Rosie" ,
"lastName" : "Okuneva" ,
"userName" : "Rosie55" ,
"avatar" : "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/joe_black/128.jpg" ,
"email" : "Rosie6@gmail.com" ,
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate ( "1984-11-29T12:38:37.812+02:00" ) ,
"address" : {
"street" : "5668 Sonya Fords" ,
"suite" : "Apt. 584" ,
"city" : "North Birdieside" ,
"state" : "New Jersey" ,
"zipCode" : "46111" ,
"geo" : {
"lat" : 50.373 ,
"lng" : 175.2369
} ,
"phone" : "867.783.1346 x7152" ,
"website" : "ola.biz" ,
"company" : {
"name" : "Schaefer, Lang and Considine" ,
"catchPhrase" : "User-friendly regional product" ,
"bs" : "incubate mission-critical technologies"
} ,
"salary" : 4409 ,
"monthlyExpenses" : 6018 ,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Beach Volleyball" ,
"Golf" ,
"Soccer" ,
"Volleyball" ,
"Moto GP" ,
"Darts" ,
"American Football" ,
"Basketball" ,
"Snooker" ,
"MMA" ,
"Motor Sport"
] ,
"profession" : "Visual Designer"
Copy public class User
[ BsonId ]
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get ; set ; }
public Gender Gender { get ; set ; }
public string FirstName { get ; set ; }
public string LastName { get ; set ; }
public string UserName { get ; set ; }
public string Avatar { get ; set ; }
public string Email { get ; set ; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get ; set ; }
public AddressCard Address { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ]
public string Website { get ; set ; }
public CompanyCard Company { get ; set ; }
public decimal Salary { get ; set ; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get ; set ; }
public List < string > FavoriteSports { get ; set ; }
public string Profession { get ; set ; }
OR operator - $or
The OR operator performs a logical OR on an set of expressions and matches documents that satisfy at least on of the expressions.
Copy Builders < T >. Filter .Or(FilterDefinition < T > [] filters)
Create as many filter definitions you want and pass them as an argument to the Or
method. The filters passed as parameters can be as complex as you want.
The sample uses an Or operator to find all documents having salary, either too low (less than 1500) or too high ( greater than 4000).
C# Bson Shell User
Copy var collection = database .GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
// users with salary either < 1500 (too low) or > 4000 (too high)
var orSalaryFilter = Builders < User >. Filter .Or(
Builders < User >. Filter .Lt(u => u . Salary , 1500 ), // 1st expression
Builders < User >. Filter .Gt(u => u . Salary , 4000 ) // 2nd expression
var lowOrHighSalaryUsers = await collection
Copy var bsonCollection = database
.GetCollection < BsonDocument > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var bsonOrSalaryFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Or(
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Lt( "salary" , 1500 ),
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Gt( "salary" , 4000 )
var bsonLowOrHighSalaryUsers = await bsonCollection
Copy db . users .find ( { $or : [
{ salary : { $lt : 1500 } } ,
{ salary : { $gt : 4000 }}
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId ( "5e9335512013741d0cb6454a" ) ,
"gender" : 0 ,
"firstName" : "Carlton" ,
"lastName" : "Bergstrom" ,
"userName" : "Carlton_Bergstrom" ,
"avatar" : "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/joe_black/128.jpg" ,
"email" : "Carlton28@yahoo.com" ,
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate ( "1952-09-18T11:22:04.592+03:00" ) ,
"address" : {
"street" : "0021 Sheila Corners" ,
"suite" : "Apt. 199" ,
"city" : "Schmidtfort" ,
"state" : "Rhode Island" ,
"zipCode" : "09682" ,
"geo" : {
"lat" : 11.8535 ,
"lng" : 102.024
} ,
"phone" : "1-300-468-9739 x188" ,
"website" : "weldon.name" ,
"company" : {
"name" : "Dooley, Schmitt and Wiegand" ,
"catchPhrase" : "Robust coherent migration" ,
"bs" : "empower front-end vortals"
} ,
"salary" : 4005 , // matched here (too high)
"monthlyExpenses" : 3483 ,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Formula 1" ,
] ,
"profession" : "Personal Trainer"
Copy public class User
[ BsonId ]
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get ; set ; }
public Gender Gender { get ; set ; }
public string FirstName { get ; set ; }
public string LastName { get ; set ; }
public string UserName { get ; set ; }
public string Avatar { get ; set ; }
public string Email { get ; set ; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get ; set ; }
public AddressCard Address { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ]
public string Website { get ; set ; }
public CompanyCard Company { get ; set ; }
public decimal Salary { get ; set ; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get ; set ; }
public List < string > FavoriteSports { get ; set ; }
public string Profession { get ; set ; }
NOR operator - $nor
The NOR operator performs a logical NOR on an set of expressions and matches documents that fail to satisfy all the expressions. Despite the fact that MongoDB supports the $nor operator, you won't find any method on the C# driver. That's totally fine though because you can built it using the AND operator and negating the internal filters.
Create as many filter definitions you want to fail and pass them as an argument to the And
method. The filters passed as parameters can be as complex as you want.
The sample finds documents that fail to satisfy the following criteria:
Have profession equal to "Doctor"
Have salary less than 4500
Since the matched documents needs to fail the above criteria, you should use their negates with an AND operator.
C# Bson Shell User
Copy var collection = database
.GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var norFilter = Builders < User >. Filter .And(
Builders < User >. Filter // negate 1st filter
.Not( Builders < User >. Filter .Eq(u => u . Profession , "Doctor" )),
Builders < User >. Filter // negate 2nd filter
.Not( Builders < User >. Filter .Lt(u => u . Salary , 4500 ))
var norUsers = await collection
Copy var bsonCollection = database
.GetCollection < BsonDocument > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var bsonNorFilter = Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .And(
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.Not( Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Eq( "profession" , "Doctor" )),
Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter
.Not( Builders < BsonDocument >. Filter .Lt( "salary" , 4500 )));
var bsonNorUsers = await bsonCollection
Copy db . users .find (
{ $nor : [ { profession : { $eq : "Doctor" } } ,
{ salary : { $lt : 4500 }}
// sample matched document
"_id" : ObjectId ( "5e9335512013741d0cb6454e" ) ,
"gender" : 0 ,
"firstName" : "Richard" ,
"lastName" : "Hirthe" ,
"userName" : "Richard.Hirthe52" ,
"avatar" : "https://s3.amazonaws.com/uifaces/faces/twitter/ruzinav/128.jpg" ,
"email" : "Richard_Hirthe@gmail.com" ,
"dateOfBirth" : ISODate ( "1999-09-11T11:24:04.010+03:00" ) ,
"address" : {
"street" : "785 Adams Dale" ,
"suite" : "Suite 379" ,
"city" : "Labadiestad" ,
"state" : "Texas" ,
"zipCode" : "45075" ,
"geo" : {
"lat" : 34.7933 ,
"lng" : 70.5508
} ,
"phone" : "977.924.7118" ,
"website" : "charlie.net" ,
"company" : {
"name" : "O'Keefe LLC" ,
"catchPhrase" : "Triple-buffered maximized database" ,
"bs" : "synergize next-generation architectures"
} ,
"salary" : 4603 , // matched here
"monthlyExpenses" : 3355 ,
"favoriteSports" : [
"Snooker" ,
"Water Polo" ,
"Table Tennis" ,
"Ice Hockey" ,
"Volleyball" ,
"Soccer" ,
"Handball" ,
"American Football" ,
"Golf" ,
"Boxing" ,
"Beach Volleyball" ,
"Formula 1" ,
"Tennis" ,
"Motor Sport" ,
] ,
"profession" : "Lawyer" // matched here
Copy public class User
[ BsonId ]
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ] // required for replace documents
public ObjectId Id { get ; set ; }
public Gender Gender { get ; set ; }
public string FirstName { get ; set ; }
public string LastName { get ; set ; }
public string UserName { get ; set ; }
public string Avatar { get ; set ; }
public string Email { get ; set ; }
public DateTime DateOfBirth { get ; set ; }
public AddressCard Address { get ; set ; }
public string Phone { get ; set ; }
[ BsonIgnoreIfDefault ]
public string Website { get ; set ; }
public CompanyCard Company { get ; set ; }
public decimal Salary { get ; set ; }
public int MonthlyExpenses { get ; set ; }
public List < string > FavoriteSports { get ; set ; }
public string Profession { get ; set ; }
π‘ Of course you can build a simple extension method that does this for you and makes things a little bit easier.
C# Extensions
Copy var collection = database .GetCollection < User > ( Constants . UsersCollection );
var firstFilterToFail = Builders < User >. Filter
.Eq(u => u . Profession , "Doctor" );
var secondFilterToFail = Builders < User >. Filter
.Lt(u => u . Salary , 4500 );
var extensionNorFilter = Builders < User >. Filter
.Nor(firstFilterToFail , secondFilterToFail);
Copy public static FilterDefinition < T > Nor < T >(
this FilterDefinitionBuilder < T > builder ,
params FilterDefinition < T >[] filters)
return builder .And(
filters .Select( builder . Not )