
Slice operator - $slice

The $slice operator is used to return a subset of an array. The Enumerable.Take method can be used to create a $slice operation on a array field.

Method call



Returns the first element


Returns the first N elements


Returns the last element


Returns the last N elements

Get first N elements

The sample returns Traveler documents but only include the first element of their VisitedCountries array field.

var travelersQueryableCollection = tripsDatabase

var sliceQuery = from t in travelersQueryableCollection
    select new {
        t.Name, visitedCountries = 
        t.VisitedCountries.Take(1) // slice here

var sliceQueryResults = await sliceQuery.ToListAsync();

The same result can be achieved using a ProjectionDefinition.

var sliceProjection = Builders<Traveler>.Projection
    .Expression(u =>
        name = u.Name,
        visitedCountries = u.VisitedCountries.Take(1)

var sliceProjectionResults = await travelersCollection

Get last N elements

The following sample returns the Traveler documents but only the last 2 visited countries included.

var sliceQueryTwoLastCountries = 
   from t in travelersQueryableCollection
   select new 
      visitedCountries = t.VisitedCountries.Take(-2) 

var sliceQueryTwoLastCountriesResults = 
   await sliceQueryTwoLastCountries


Slice can be combined with the Skip method and provide full pagination functionality. The following sample skips the first 2 VisitedCountries array elements and returns the next 3.

var travelersQueryableCollection = tripsDatabase
var sliceWithSkipQuery = 
    from t in travelersQueryableCollection
    select new { 
        visitedCountries = t.VisitedCountries
                            .Skip(2).Take(3) };

var sliceWithSkipQueryResults = 
    await sliceQuery.ToListAsync();

Filter operator - $filter

The $filter operator is used to match and return array elements that fulfill the specified condition. The Enumerable.Where method can be used to create the condition.

The sample returns Traveler documents with their VisitedCountries array field containing only the countries that have been visited once.

var travelersQueryableCollection = tripsDatabase

var filterQuery = 
    from t in travelersQueryableCollection
    select new
         visitedCountries = t.VisitedCountries
                 .Where(c => c.TimesVisited == 1)

var filterQueryResults = await filterQuery.ToListAsync();

Multiply operator - $multiply

The $multiply operator is used to multiply numbers and return the result. The operator can be used with both raw and field values.

Assuming a collection contains Order documents in the following format...

    "_id" : 0,
    "item" : "Handmade Steel Shoes",
    "price" : 172,
    "quantity" : 3,
    "shipmentDetails" : {
        "shipAddress" : "547 Kris Hill, Dooleyville, Niger",
        "city" : "Port Caryport",
        "country" : "Northern Mariana Islands",
        "contactName" : "Keenan McDermott",
        "contactPhone" : "1-956-915-2404"

The sample creates a projection stage to return the total for each order, with total=priceβˆ—quantitytotal = price * quantity

var ordersCollection = tripsDatabase

var multiplyQuery = 
    from o in ordersCollection.AsQueryable()
    select new // creates a projection stage
      total = o.Quantity * o.Price // $multiply field

var multiplyQueryResults = 
    await multiplyQuery.ToListAsync();

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