Evaluation Operators


Evaluation operators are used to match documents based on some type of evaluation applied on the field values, for example, find all documents that one of their field values matches a specified Regex pattern. The evaluation applied on this example is to check if a field's value matches the regex pattern given.




Find documents where their field values match a specified regular expression


Searches the specified term in the fields indexed with a text index

Regex operator - $regex

The Regex operator is used when you want to match documents based on a regular expression. The regular expression is evaluated to one or more specified document fields. The $regex operator can be created via the driver by creating a FilterDefinition with the Regex function. Then use this filter definition in the IMongoCollection<T>.Find method.

    .Regex(doc => doc.<field>, 
        new BsonRegularExpression(<regex-expression>))

The sample finds all User documents that their email field contains the "gmail" word. It does this by evaluating if there's a match between the email field and the regular expression, which by the way can be as complex as you wish.

var collection = database

// create a regular expression
var gmailFilter = Builders<User>.Filter
    .Regex(u => u.Email, 
    new BsonRegularExpression("/gmail/"));
var gmailUsers = await collection

MongoDB uses Perl compatible regular expressions version 8.42 with UTF-8 support

Text operator - $text

Text operator $text is used along with a text index for searching a term among string content inside documents. The text index indexes string content as if it was an array of string values while stops and stems all words. This means that it words in sentences such as "and", "or", "it" or "is" are ignored.

You can create a text index using the C# driver using an instance of CreateIndexModel<T>. The following snippet creates a text index on the Name string field of the Product class.

var productsCollection = database
// create a text index on the name field                
  .CreateOne(new CreateIndexModel<Product>
                (Builders<Product>.IndexKeys.Text(p => p.Name)));

In case the index already exists, nothing will change

To create a search text query use the FilterDefinitionBuilder.Text method to build a filter definition.

Builders<Product>.Filter.Text(string term);

The sample finds all Product documents that contain the term "shirt".

var productsCollection = database

// create a text search filter          
var searchFilter = Builders<Product>

var shirtsProducts = await productsCollection

FilterDefinitionBuilder.Text method optionally accepts a TextSearchOptions instance where you can control the case sensitivity on your search query.

Builders<T>.Filter.Text(string term, 
    new TextSearchOptions() 
        { CaseSensitive = true });

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