Accelerate how you build, test and deploy Harmony
Last updated
Accelerate how you build, test and deploy Harmony
Last updated
Harmony has adapted a clean, microservice architecture and docker sits on top of this to make building and deploying the entire infrastructure with just a few commands.
The following instructions will guide you to build Harmony's images and run its containers on your local machine using docker compose. In case you want to deploy to a local Kubernetes cluster read the Kubernetes section.
Open a PowerShell session and run the following commands to create and trust a development certificate, since all Harmony applications run under HTTPS.
The above commands are for Windows using Linux containers. If you are on a Mac or Linux you need to run:
Please read the official Microsoft's guide for more details in case you face any problems. The previous commands used a password HarmonyTeamsSecretKey but you can use your own. If you do, change it on the docker-compose.yml file as well.
Navigate at the root of Harmony's solution folder where the docker-compose.yml file exists and run the following commands:
In case you are running Harmony via Visual Studio, stop it before running the docker compose up
command because the same ports will be exposed by the docker containers. Also if you have MongoDB or/and RabbitMQ servers running on your local machine, you may want to stop them so they don't interfere with the ports exposed by the corresponding containers.
If you don't want to stop them, you can remove the exposed ports from the docker-compose.yml. The ports have been exposed for your own convenience, for example if you want to access the container's RabbitMQ management UI from localhost, but they are not required.
Assuming you have build and run all the containers properly, you can navigate at http://localhost:7096/ and confirm that the page loads smoothly.
Currently the standalone Blazor WASM project Harmony.Client is served under Nginx via HTTP but it will change soon to HTTPS as well.
Of course, there will be more changes, improvements and additions for dockerizing Harmony in the future, e.g Kubernetes support, production overrides, etc..
By default, docker will create a new SQL Server based on Microsoft's image.
In you want to connect to your host's SQL Server rather than connecting to a docker container, check the follow steps:
Remove the previous snippet from the docker-compose.yml file and any depends_on reference to it.
Enable TCP/IP access on your SQL Server instance & restart SQL Server services.
Ensure your SQL Server runs under mixed mode or at least SQL Server mode so that you can connect via user & password credentials (windows authentication won't work on a linux container!)
Change the connection string in the docker-compose.yml file to connect to your SQL Server. For localhost development, you must use host.docker.internal as the following example (use your own credentials):
In case you want to run SQL Server as a docker container but you want to persist the data and don't lose them after re-creating the container, you need to add docker volumes on the related service definition in the docker-compose.yml. Here's an example:
You can use docker managed volumes of course.